With over 40 years in the greeting card business we have built up a reputation for beautiful, high quality designs at a great price, with the whole buying experience supported by excellent customer service. Offering a dazzling array of over 1500 amazing cards to choose from there is sure to be something for every occasion. Our design team work with some of the most talented artists in the industry to create the best in design and innovation. 2025 sees an emphasis on our eco-friendly status with the launch of
Artisan Eco-Handmade featuring Paper Gems.
We proudly print on FSC certified board and are continuing to work alongside leading industry bodies with a focus
to reduce the industry’s plastic usage.
As a paper-based company, the environment is at the forefront of what we do, therefore all our cards are printed on FSC approved board from sustainable forests. Our cards are supplied unwrapped (which means less plastic!) and are 100% recyclable, the “recycle me” logo proudly appears across the whole collection.
Simple & fun
We are proud to share our Henries win for 'Best Diversity and Inclusion Range' with You Go Girl! 🏆